The Harry Potter tag!

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Hey guys! So as you guys know if you read the get to know me posts, I love Harry Potter! As I was looking for a tag to do on here, I stumbled upon this one! So without further ado, let’s get started!

Favorite book? Ummmm, I love every single one, and it’s been a while since I’ve read them, so I’m not sure!

Favorite movie? As I said I love all of them, but maybe Chamber of Secrets?

Least favorite book? This question can never be directed towards Harry Potter ever!

Parts of the book/movie that made you cry? I don’t know what it is, but I have never cried at any movie or book ever.

If you could hook up with any HP character, who would it be? I’m going to change “hook” up to “date” and say Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter).

Favorite character? Yikes! This is way too hard! Umm, maybe Hermione? Yeah, let’s go with her!

What would your patronus be? Instead of a female deer like Snape’s, I obviously would like to be a cat, but I took a quiz and I’m a horse.

If you could have the Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak, or the Elder Wand, which one would you choose? I was going to pick the invisibility cloak, but I’m going to go for the Resurrection Stone!

What House would you be in? As much as I want to be in Gryffindor, I would obviously be in Hufflepuff. (I took a quiz)

If you could meet any member of the cast, who would it be? Daniel Radcliffe, because he is one of my favorite actors.

Have you played any of the video games? Yes! I have two of them! I have Prisoner of Azkaban and Deathly Hallows Part 1.

If you were on the Quidditch team, which position would you play? Let’s face it, I would never be able to play Quidditch.

Were you happy with the ending? I was happy with every single HP movie!!

How much does Harry Potter mean to you? It means almost everything to me! I grew up with it, so when it ended, I was so sad!!

So that is pretty much it! I hope you enjoyed this tag about one of my many fandoms that I’m a part of! See ya later Baconators! (Trying it out for my phrase)


GhostKat ❤

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